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Зубные импланты

Dental implants provide a strong foundation for permanent or removable prosthesis (replacement teeth) that are made to match your natural teeth.

Имплантация зубов все на четырех

Продолжительность лечения:
2-3 дня

Зубные имплантаты All on 6

Продолжительность лечения:
2-3 дня

Лечение зубных каналов

Продолжительность лечения:
1 день

Стоматологические коронки

Some examples of materials used for dental crowns or “caps” are gold, metal, porcelain fused to metal, full porcelain crown or zirconia crowns.

Ламинированные виниры

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain made to fit over the front surface of a tooth, like a false fingernail fits over a nail.

Стоматологические мосты

Bridges filling the missing tooth area by placing a crown on the tooth in front and the tooth in back that are connected to a false tooth in the middle.

Голливудская улыбка (дизайн улыбки)

Most of the individuals in the modern times focus on the aesthetics of dental treatment in comparison to the functionality of their teeth.

Пародонтологическое лечение

Gum disease relates to cases where the tissue and bones that surround and support your teeth become infected. This can be caused by the build-up of plaque on your teeth.

Отбеливание зубов

It is a well known fact that your first impression on people last long and it is your smile that people notice first.

Детская стоматология

Early Childhood is a period when your child’s body develops at a much rapid way. It is amazing to see the transformation in the first few years.


Orthodontics, Inlay/Onlay, Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF), Low Level Laser Therapy (LLT), Root Canal Treatment, Advanced Dental Surgeries, Gum Contouring, Denture, Sedation, Face Cosmetic